Applicants receive
from the largest career network for the hotel and catering industry .

The career platform for the hotel and Gastronomy industry.

2000+ und Skilled Employees

From the hotel
and gastronomy

20+ Company

From the hotel
and gastronomy


New registrations per month

What our users say

"Created a profile once and kept getting interesting jobs.
Application process very fast. Finally a job with more responsibility".

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Hennry Folk

"I am delighted with how well the offers fit my requirements - simply super"

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Jessica Schatz

How Chefunda solves the skills shortage

Chefunda is an AI-powered platform that connects foodservice and hospitality professionals with customized job listings and industry resources, and promotes career opportunities and networking.

Unlimited visibility in our network - affordable and effective!


Targeted ad placement: High-quality applications guaranteed


Personal advice from your Chefunda contact person



Fast, simple, reliable: Applicant contact via chat


Flexible applicant management system (ATS)


Proactively find and contact talent - it's easy with our "Discover applicants" feature


How does Chefunda work?

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1. Create a company profile & place as many job ads as you like

by or with your personal Chefunda contact

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2.We publish your job advertisements in a targeted manner.

to suitable candidates in the Chefunda network via WhatsApp and app

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3.Carefully selected specialists 

Automatic pre-qualification of specialists according to your needs through AI

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4.You receive applications within a very short time.

directly in the Chefunda applicant management system and/or by e-mail

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5.You can reach applicants quickly and easily

Email, WhatsApp or app: your direct messages reach your applicants

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6.You conduct job interviews

and fill your vacancies with qualified specialists

Register without obligation
and free of charge

We will get in touch with you as soon as it starts.

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